Whether your business is of the business-to-business (B2B) nature or instead a business-to-consumer (B2C) one, it’s likely that you will have wondered from time to time how the two worlds differ regarding the creation and promotion of content. The craze for inbound marketing in recent times has powered the creation of millions of blog posts, ebooks, social media campaigns and other content forms every day, so what can your own business do to stand out?
Well, to stand out, it’s helpful to at least know of the dominant schools of thought that have long prevailed around B2B and B2C – for example, that B2B companies require more rational, benefits-centred and longer content, whereas consumers are more likely to respond to shorter, emotional and more entertaining content.
It was in the interests of testing such assumptions that we looked at the recent statistics concerning the real differences and similarities between B2B and B2C. The figures certainly showed some insightful trends, such as that B2C content consistently delivers higher total shares on average than B2B content, as well as that the average content length is very similar for both B2B and B2C firms.
There were also some very interesting differences in how the respective types of company content fared on social media. One thing that was very clear was B2C content’s much greater reach in terms of attracting shares, with B2C posts attracting an average of 114 shares compared to the mere 68.5 managed by B2B posts.