A Pay Per Click campaign is a great way of getting your brand noticed online. Essentially, you purchase advertising space on a search engine and then bid with other companies to target certain keywords that are relevant to your business. You only then pay when your advert is clicked.
While this might sound like an ideal route to rapidly increase your website views, the following three errors could adversely impact your PPC campaign.
1. An irrelevant advert
Google uses a Quality Score to measure the relevancy of your advert. The higher the Quality Score, the less you’ll pay for each click. If you’re working to a tight budget, it therefore makes financial sense to ensure that your ad is as relevant as possible.
This can be done in part by carrying out thorough keyword research to find out what your target market is searching for, before making your campaign go live. If the main focus of your ad differs from the theme of the landing page that you wish your viewers to visit, this will also drop your score.
2. The lack of a call-to-action
Creating a focused and relevant advert is no good if you don’t tell the viewer what they are supposed to do once they’ve clicked on it, such as download a free guide or enter their details to get a substantial discount.
Likewise, if your CTA is not relevant to the needs of the user, the click-through rate will be affected – which is where researching your demographic comes in useful. You need to use active language like ‘get’, ‘improve’ and ‘begin’ to entice the searcher. Phrases like ‘view more’ and ‘click here’ are very traditional and – paradoxically – may not inspire the user to actually click through and complete the desired action.
3. A slow-loading landing page
With millions of potential customers using mobile platforms to search for businesses, it’s important that your landing page is responsive to different-sized screens and loads quickly.
Customers have a need for everything to be instant nowadays and do not have the patience to wait for pages to appear. You need to make sure that your landing page looks great on mobile devices and loads at an appropriate speed, which is why you should spend some time testing your landing pages and campaigns before they go live.
After all, a responsive page will give the user a better experience of your site, thereby making them more inclined to download your guide or enter their details.
Here at Piranha Designs, we understand the importance of achieving the best results for our clients while still keeping to what may be a tight budget, so why not have a look at our PPC packages to find out more about how we can help your business?